We facilitate the sending and receiving of electronic documents

The birth
of B2Brouter

B2Brouter Global created the B2Brouter platform in order to simplify and facilitate the creation and sending of electronic invoices for all types of companies. Through participation in international electronic trade projects, B2Brouter has become a leading portal that can connect with all of the main electronic invoicing systems.

Oriol Bausà Peris

B2Brouter Global is an active member of standardisation organisations such as OASIS and UN/CEFACT, and as a result, is always up-to-date.

Oriol Bausà, founder and director general of B2Brouter Global, has participated in the creation of the Peppol network from the start, and played a fundamental role in the creation of the European Standard on electronic invoicing (EN16931), considering the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Electronic documents follow a great variety of standards all around the world. The aim of B2Brouter is to determine each of these standards and to make them available to the user in one single tool. To do so, we have worked in close collaboration with standardisation projects such as CEN BII and SEMIC in the European Commission.

Our aim is that each company, regardless of the language, the invoicing requirements of the country or the specific characteristics of the sector, can send a correct invoice that can be electronically and automatically processed, to companies all over the world.

We envisage a world without paper, supporting business processes

We are overcoming digital obstacles

To ensure that borders are not a problem in the digital world, we provide a platform on which electronic documents can be successfully shared with companies all over the world.

We convert the invoices automatically and at any time into the format required by the recipient, so that there are no obstacles in the final electronic processing. We help smaller companies in their effort to go digital and to play in the same league as the big companies. Thanks to B2Brouter, isolated and costly solutions are a thing of the past.


Years of experience


Number of employees


Offices all over the world

B2Brouter International

B2Brouter has an office in New Zealand, comprising a team that is dedicated to adapting our services so they comply with the local standards in Australia and New Zealand.

B2Brouter has an office in Italy, comprising a team that is dedicated to working on adapting the portal so it complies with the local standards in that country, where electronic invoicing is obligatory in relations between companies.

The B2Brouter team

  • Oriol Bausà Peris

    Oriol Bausà


  • David Escala

    David Escala


  • Francesc Bedós

    Francesc Bedós

    Implementation Specialist

  • Mykola Bibliv

    Mykola Bibliv

    Software Developer

  • Noah Bobis

    Noah Bobis

    Software Developer

  • Laura Bohera

    Laura Bohera

    Event & Partnerships Manager

  • Capde


    Product Marketing Manager

  • Laura Carchano

    Laura Carchano

    Software Engineer

  • Roberto Cisternino

    Roberto Cisternino

    Italy Country Manager

  • Berta Escanes

    Berta Escanes

    Costumer Service Agent

  • Georgina Estany

    Georgina Estany

    CRM Specialist

  • Carla Feniello

    Carla Feniello


  • Aleix Gasset

    Aleix Gasset

    Digital Marketing Specialist

  • Eduard Giménez

    Eduard Giménez

    Product Manager

  • Manuel Jiménez

    Manuel Jiménez

    Costumer Service Agent

  • Marc Martí

    Marc Martí

    Software Developer

  • David Mataró

    David Mataró


  • Henrik Möller

    Henrik Möller

    Business Developement Nordic

  • Ansgar Mondorf

    Ansgar Mondorf

    Business Developement Germany

  • Elena Muné

    Elena Muné

    Product Designer

  • Marta Muniesa

    Marta Muniesa


  • Emma di Pretoro

    Emma di Pretoro


  • Josep Roig

    Josep Roig

    Customer Success

  • Pau Rovira

    Pau Rovira

    Costumer Service Agent

  • Sergio Ruiz

    Sergio Ruiz

    Business Development Spain

  • Angela Sánchez

    Angela Sánchez

    Chief Legal, HR & Information Security Officer

  • Salvador Sanchis

    Salvador Sanchis

    Data Analyst

  • Thomas Scalise

    Thomas Scalise

    Software Developer

  • Victor Tarruella

    Victor Tarruella

    Implementation Manager

  • Jordi Torrents

    Jordi Torrents

    Software Developer

  • Jan Verwaest

    Jan Verwaest

    Business Developement Benelux

  • Claudia Maria Velez

    Claudia Maria Velez

    Costumer Service Agent

  • Lucie Vu

    Lucie Vu

    Business Developement France

Do you want to join our team?

We are always seeking talent. If you want to be a part of an innovative and growing company, please contact us.

Work at B2Brouter


B2Brouter is certified with the ISO 27001 standard on information security management.

  • It guarantees the continuity of the B2Brouter services.
  • It protects the company’s information assets.
  • It prevents the loss of data of B2Brouter’s service users.
  • It improves audits and the control of security incidents.
  • It ensures staff are trained in security matters and in how to address them.
  • It helps the organisation to grow, in accordance with the security procedures and policies and its continuous improvement.

B2Brouter is certified as a Peppol Access Point Service Provider.


B2Brouter is a member of GENA Global Exchange Network Association.


B2Brouter is an electronic invoice service provider certified by the Open Administration Consortium of Catalonia (AOC).

Ministerio de Economía

It is an electronic invoice service provider certified by the Spanish Ministry of Economy.

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

B2Brouter is certified as a Peppol Access Point Service Provider and Peppol Service Metadata Publisher by the Nez Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.